It's summertime! The weather has been really warm (upper 20's C) and sunshiny days make for lots of outdoor activities. Things are really slow at the church as most people are out of town. We've enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere to say the least, especially after all the excitement and activity from December!
Last monday we took Pepper to the beach for the first time - she had a blast running in the waves! We just relaxed and read some "fun" reading material between playing with beach toys and Pepper.
During January, most people are away on holiday, so we only have one service on Sunday. All music teams take a break, so whoever wants to volunteer to play organ or keyboard covers the service. The 20th happened to be my service - it was a real treat to just play piano for the congregation instead of leading an entire music team.
Ken got ready to have his hair shaved off - because the youth raised over $600 for their fundraiser, he said on the 18th they could take the razor to his head. Only a few youth were able to make it (again, due to summer holidays) but those who came had a great time - I think Ken did too!
Saturday we enjoyed some cricket at the park with the Sathereleys as well as some time out on their land at their swimming hole. And after church on Sunday we took a beautiful hike down BeeHive Creek. As you can guess, it was a creek walk (although there weren't many bees, thank goodness!)
The swimming hole
This week we've been getting things ready for our trip to the states: Ken finished up his article for the Lattice journal and looks like the editor likes it, so it should go into the next issue. He also is wrapping up his semester outline for Bible College of New Zealand class, which he will begin teaching as soon as we get back to Palmy in February. I've been creating all the worship services for Trinity and St. Luke's for the next few weeks, as we as an outline for sermons in February. I also have some interest in an Easter choir, so I am hunting for good music for the group of five or so singers that are interested.
We also have been prayfully filling out our call packages. Once back at CUI, we are meeting with the placement director to discuss where we go from here, after Ken's internship is complete next year. It's a really exciting time as we begin to think about our future together and where we feel led.
Our last weekend in New Zealand before heading back to the States, we decided it would be fun to go camping down at the southernmost tip of the north island at Pinnacles National Reserve. It was soooo awesome - very unique landscape, gorgeous ocean water (where we found tons of paua), weird wildlife (stick bug!), and were "attacked" by this little pony (seriously, it tried to bite me, and it ran at us full speed)! It was fun to camp for the first time in our little two-man tent (although Pepper woke up a lot because of the animals in the ground ie the possum). 
Should be called "paua shell beach"
Should be called "paua shell beach"
The Pinnacles
The crazy pony that attacked us!
A view from the top of the hike
After the hike, we decided to drive down to Cape Palliser
Cape Palliser Light House
Cape Palliser Light House
We climbed up the 250 steps
And saw this view
Back at camp, there were no fires allowed, but that didn't stop us from making s'mores!
Because there is no pastor as the Manawatu parish at this moment, church is generally led by a "worship leader" and the sermon by one of five lay-readers (or the circut preacher). This Sunday I was the worship leader at St. Luke's (leading the welcome, confession/absolution, prayers, etc...)and Ken led the children's message at Trinity and St. Luke's. It works out nicely that even though Ken goes to a different church, the service starts at 9am while my service begins at 10:30am, so we generally are still able to worship together.
We finished cleaning house and packing up before heading out on our long flight back to the States! We are so excited to see all our friends and family!