We made it! After weeks of preperation, we arrived in Palmerston North, New Zealand!
The flight over was long, but at touchdown in Palmy, we knew that the 15 hour journey was worth it. We were greeted by members of St. Luke's Lutheran parish with a large welcome banner, and then driven to our new home.
Our flat is just enough room for us, and the land lady Mrs. Crawford is a sweet old lady from England.
The church gave us a station wagon to toodle around the country with and the large trunk will be great for our tramping dreams!
Ken is completing his internship here with two churches: St. Luke's is in the city of Palmerston North and is the oldest standing Lutheran church in all New Zealand. We are celebrating 125 years this October.
Trinity parish is in Feilding, a small town 15 km away from Palmy with a small congregation of 40 people. He is excited to work with the youth and children in both congregations, sharing resources and training with the Lutherans here on the other side of the world. We laugh at how the office is being over-run with outsiders however: Pastor Greg is from Australia, Ken is the youth worker and from America, and the new president for the New Zealand Lutheran Church is from Arizona and Australia! Over the next week I am keeping busy with piano teaching (I have 4 to 5 students already!) and preparing a proposal for what I intend to do in the music ministry for both churches on a 20 hour work week. Ken and I are both excited at this opportunity for me to work in the church using my degree and talents to further the worship at both churches. I also am learning the ropes for microsoft publisher as I will be the new editor for the Olive Tree, the New Zealand Lutheran church quarterly. 
We can't believe we're already wrapping up our first month here! As similar as it is to America, it is uniquly different. We are slowly learning more about the Maori culture, which is the second language of Aotearoa (New Zealand). It's been fun to see signs in English and Maori - it's helping us to learn phrases quicker and we use them with the Kiwi's a lot who are glad we are accepting this new place with open arms. But we aren't doing it alone - we do this because of the love and support from our families and friends back in the states, and from Christ's strength.
We leave you with the verse Pastor read at Ken's installation: 2 Chronicles 28:20 "Then David said to Solomon his son, 'Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished.'" Amen.
~The Chitwood's
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