After shopping, Jennifer and I made sandwiches for Ken and Sam, who then met up with us back at the house for an afternoon of tramping at Otaki Forks. We hit a new trail, and also did the one Ken and I walked a few weeks ago. They really enjoyed themselves, although I think we wore them out.
This was a really steep part of the hike, as you can see the drop off...
Ken enjoying lunch
We make tramping look so good!
During our walk, we got to know them a little better, and found out Jennifer's keen on explaining all geological features. So we got our science lessons in for the day throughout our hike. Ken and Sam spent the whole time talking about V8!
When Ken and I got back to the house, we had just enough time to wash up and head over to the La Grow's home. Steve is an American who works at Massey, and his wife is a kiwi. They wanted to make us feel at home and baked us some amazing jalapeno cheese enchiladas! They were absolutely awesome! We had a great time hanging out with them, and I look forward to working with Susan and her son Joseph with music at St. Luke's. Ken is excited about Steve's prospective fly-fishing classes that he will be leading for blokes at the church who want to learn.
Sunday was busy - Ken and I led worship with the "cd" team...pastor encouraged us to get some live music mixed in with the cds, as well as a variety of music (not just loud worship songs, but also some quiet meditative ones...). The service ran very smooth, and everyone seemed to be ministered to by the type of music chosen, the manner in which we played it, and also the placement of the songs in the service. Pastor was so enthused - he thinks that it was the best worship service that St. Luke's has had in a few years! I am excited to continue working with the team to encourage them with the news that through the new manner of worship leading they did this past Sunday, they were able to lead the congregation in meaningful worship! And it was a blast being able to play together with Ken - we both look forward to jammin some more!
After church we went to Jude and John Nelson's for lunch and to talk about church ministry/youth/ was a great afternoon to learn their thoughts about things going on in the church. It was especially beneficial for me to see what Jude thinks about music ministry since she is a key-player (literally - she plays the keyboard) in music ministry at St. Luke's. They were also excited to talk to Ken and tell him how their kids are loving everything he's got going at youth nights - how they are still fun, but also very Bible focused so they are learning. Both Sam and Rachel are planning on attending the youth camp coming up this Oct 1-5. In fact, there are about 7 kids coming to the camp from our church, which is a great sucess!
Monday we decided to take it easy, sleep in and clean around the house, ending the night with the Satherly's and pastor's family to celebrate his birthday! Overall, it was a great weekend, fulfilling both spiritually (some of the discussions we had with church members and/or youth), and physically (hiking and hanging out with friends). Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures of anything besides our hike! Soon though I will post pictures of the youth and church friends!
Ken and I are reading through Acts together, and in chapter 15 it was awesome to read how the apostles and elders "chose men from among them" to send to minister to the Gentile believers. We were struck with how awesome it is that Concordia through prayer and consideration, decided to send us down together to New Zealand to work in a Lutheran congregation here. And although it is not an LCMS church, it is still a Lutheran cousin who needs our help. We are glad to be here and look forward to how God works in our lives and in the lives of those around us!
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