Ken has been very dedicated to running – he is planning to run a marathon this year, and his goal is to run it in 4 hours. So this weekend he enjoyed holding the “torch” for St. Luke’s and running for an 1.31 hours at Relay for Life! Each lap was counted on the “torch” towards our team (we can in 43 out of 100 I think.) It was really fun to support for a few hours – I walked 18 laps in an hour (almost 5 miles) and enjoyed dressing Rachel up in newspaper for a competition.

Ken after his 1.31 hour run!
Me being silly
Doesn't Rachel look fab in the Manawatu Standard?
After the race we had Kate and Damien over for some home-made pizza and watched the Bourne Ultimatum. Ken and I had seen it in theatres and it’s amazing how different an action movie looks on a small screen versus the big one!
Sunday Ken and I both had surveys going on: Ken was asking for all interested adults to fill in a survey for adult education – he received 18 sheets back! I was asking for five favourite hymns and/or songs and ended up with quite the list! We were both pleased with the results and are expecting a few more to trickle in over the coming weeks. Sunday itself however was very very busy…we attended the 9am service (for two reasons: one, I am available for the 9am service in case of glitches in sound, ppt, music etc, and was reading the Gospel dramatic reading with a few other people) and then at the 10:30am service Ken led the children’s talk and I read the readings for the day. After church Ken had confirmation and I had choir practice. Confirmation is going very well – after last time (which was major catch-up day since the youth were falling behind in homework) things are beginning to click with the youth. Right now they are learning about Law and Gospel, and may be going on a “field trip” to the courthouse to see the law enacted out in every-day life. Choir is going really well – only one more rehearsal until Easter! We are singing one song acapella and two other songs (I am trying to conduct and play piano at the same time…it’s been a challenge!) After both those activities, we had just enough time to run home and take Pepper for a walk before going to Trinity for a 4pm service that Ken led. It was a simple service with two songs, readings, prayers and a short devotional-sermon by Ken. This was done because usually on the second Sunday of the month the evening service at Trinity is from 5-6pm with dinner following. However, last month their kitchen was set on fire (arson) and so there have been no dinners for the past two evening services. Plus on the 9th the Manawatu parish was attending The End of the Spear together, and the movie began at 5pm. So we had a shorted evening service from 4-4:40pm which allowed everyone enough time to go straight to the theatre. The movie was really awesome and led to some great discussions. It made Ken and I glad that we took time to learn more about the Kiwi-culture before just jumping in (although I’m sure that we wouldn’t have been speared like the missionaries in the movie!) Then the day finally ended, 11 hours later. Phew!
Please continue to keep us in prayer. As much as we enjoy our work, we are feeling a bit discouraged by some issues arising. We thank God that He is with us and gives us the strength we need, but please pray for peace to guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7). Thanks!
Sunday Ken and I both had surveys going on: Ken was asking for all interested adults to fill in a survey for adult education – he received 18 sheets back! I was asking for five favourite hymns and/or songs and ended up with quite the list! We were both pleased with the results and are expecting a few more to trickle in over the coming weeks. Sunday itself however was very very busy…we attended the 9am service (for two reasons: one, I am available for the 9am service in case of glitches in sound, ppt, music etc, and was reading the Gospel dramatic reading with a few other people) and then at the 10:30am service Ken led the children’s talk and I read the readings for the day. After church Ken had confirmation and I had choir practice. Confirmation is going very well – after last time (which was major catch-up day since the youth were falling behind in homework) things are beginning to click with the youth. Right now they are learning about Law and Gospel, and may be going on a “field trip” to the courthouse to see the law enacted out in every-day life. Choir is going really well – only one more rehearsal until Easter! We are singing one song acapella and two other songs (I am trying to conduct and play piano at the same time…it’s been a challenge!) After both those activities, we had just enough time to run home and take Pepper for a walk before going to Trinity for a 4pm service that Ken led. It was a simple service with two songs, readings, prayers and a short devotional-sermon by Ken. This was done because usually on the second Sunday of the month the evening service at Trinity is from 5-6pm with dinner following. However, last month their kitchen was set on fire (arson) and so there have been no dinners for the past two evening services. Plus on the 9th the Manawatu parish was attending The End of the Spear together, and the movie began at 5pm. So we had a shorted evening service from 4-4:40pm which allowed everyone enough time to go straight to the theatre. The movie was really awesome and led to some great discussions. It made Ken and I glad that we took time to learn more about the Kiwi-culture before just jumping in (although I’m sure that we wouldn’t have been speared like the missionaries in the movie!) Then the day finally ended, 11 hours later. Phew!
Please continue to keep us in prayer. As much as we enjoy our work, we are feeling a bit discouraged by some issues arising. We thank God that He is with us and gives us the strength we need, but please pray for peace to guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7). Thanks!
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