Look - her very own track!
Ken climbing up to the bridge
Enjoying a good brew
Tuesday we were able to hang out with Rick and Kerri again - it was the first time this year we'd visited with them! It was a good time to catch up and play card games. Please keep the Satherley family in your prayers though, as they are dealing with Aunti Joy's cancer...she seems to be getting worse by the day. There is nothing that can be done except wait for it to win, but everyone hopes it will happen with as little pain as possible.
Wednesday Ken enjoyed his last day of class for a while (they are on a holiday break for the next two weeks.) He is finally getting the hang of grading (they have a very odd system at the BCNZ) and got back reviews from the course that were all pretty much positive! The Bible College was very pleased to see that Ken is doing so well and the students are so happy with the course. In fact, his reviews were some of the highest among all the teachers!
Wednesday evening was the second all-music team meeting. There were only about 7 people that showed this time, but at least there was someone from each music team representing. We took time to go through some of the music we play to decide what we thought should "take a break" and what should be played more often.
Saturday night we went out on the town for Jen's birthday. We are turning into quite the social club members, aren't we??! But seriously, we realized this weekend just how many friends we have here in the Manawatu. It's awesome to see how quickly these relationships have formed and how deep they are. God is so good!
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