Tuesday-Thursday I spent working hard in the office getting all the services finished for Sunday. I also met with some of the powerpoint operators (I guess last Sunday when we were in Wellington there was a large malfunction with the system - it's been over two years and still they always seem to have powerpoint issues!! I say go back to paper bulletins.) I then retyped the directions for the powerpoint operators and held a quick review of running powerpoint after church on Sunday. For some reason this church + technology does not go hand in hand.
Wednesday morning my car wouldn't start! Turned out I had a flat battery. So the church's mechanic had it towed to his shop where he replaced the battery. By the afternoon, I had my car back! Yeay! So, that afternoon I went to Feilding to record some songs that I've written - my friend Tony has a system on his computer to record, so we did three of them! That was really fun, and I'm hoping to go back soon to do some more! That evening I went to Kate and Damien's for dinner. I was going to spend the night, but it was storming really bad outside and they wanted Pepper to sleep out there...I just couldn't do that, so we drove back home to sleep together all snuggled up in our bed! :)
Friday I was supposed to go to Taupo with Jen, but with the bad weather conditions (snow and ice closed the desert road up north), plus Jen coming down with cold, we cancelled. I was slightly bored since I had completed all the work that needed to be done for Sunday, but that evening was invited to dinner at Pastor Max's house. It was a great time with a couple from Wanganui (a Danish family) and Pastor Max and Rosemary (Aussies) and myself (American, represent!)
Saturday was another rainy/stormy day, so I decided to do some reading for my online course (New Testament) at Starbucks and get some coffee. That was a really good idea, and I was able to get a head start on a paper that isn't due until late July.
Sunday church went smoothly and the powerpoint meeting was quick. That afternoon I went to Lawrence and Judi's for tea. It was nice to visit with them, and then end the evening back home watching TV2's movie, Poseidon! What a nail biter!
Monday I went to Bulls with Judi - and it was sunny! UnbelievaBULL! :) We had a nice time window shopping (although I bought a hat and necklace) and had some lunch together. Monday night I played netball with Jen and actually did really good!
Yes, I'm standing by a large bull
My new hat!
And necklace!
So that was my week. It's been pretty slow at times. I never realized how far away from home I am until I've been completely alone. But God is good and He's been there for me in amazing ways (I like to call them God-winks!) Thanks for your thoughts and prayers - keep Roy and Lois and Ken in them until they arrive safely back home Thursday afternoon!