The week began late - as we left Paraparaumu Tuesday morning, we were 30 minutes from home when we realized we forgot to turn off the hot water heater and turn on the alarm! So we turned around and drove back down to take care of those items, getting back to Palmy and work at 4pm! As soon as we got back, Ken got to work on the 4th Habakkuk Bible study. There is only one more study left!
Wednesday was super busy for me -it was my only day to get all the services ready for Sunday, finish the June edition of the Olive Tree, and prepare for the monthly music team meeting. I was slightly disappointed that only one team was represented at the meeting. The point of these monthly meets is so that all the teams can have open communication as well as grow as a church musician (we will begin going through a devotional music/worship book for the next 6 months), but if no one puts the time in for communication, how can there be any? That night I packed for my trip to Auckland for the Noise conference. Noise is a Christian musician conference with speakers such as Darlene Zschech from Hillsong, and Paul Coleman from Newsboys. It was a great weekend which really reinvigorated my passion for music ministry and songwriting. I went with four other musicians from St. Luke's, so it was also an awesome opportunity to grow closer with them. We got back early Sunday morning (1:30am) in time for a short snooze before church. Sunday was the youth service, which was completely run by the youth. It was awesome to see them playing the keys, guitars, singing, doing drama and readings, everything youth! Even the PowerPoint was created by them! I thank Ken for helping run their final practice Friday night while I was away at Noise!
Mt. Ruhapehu on the drive up to Auckland
Holy Trinity Cathedral where Noise was held - 1000 people attended!
Inside the cathedral
The group from St. Luke's
Darlene and myself
After church we tried to go on a hike with Sam and Jen, however were unsuccessful at finding the trailhead! So instead we went to see the Turbines up close - it was fun (although very windy). Although in the process of driving we almost lost Pepper. She jumped out of the car and was dangling outside!!! Luckily I was quick and flipped her back into the car. We tried to recapture the moment below in a posed picture, but it does not justice!
Our car ride adventure
Pepper's near-death experience!
The Turbines
Ken's last BCNZ course was Wednesday. He held it at a local cafe to talk about everyone final project that was due. He said it was a great way to end as everyone really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and round-table discussion about their papers. He also kept himself busy with work over the weekend (hoping it would make time go faster so we could be together again!) And of course there was some good bonding for Pepper and him as they went on a 1.5 hour walk together on Saturday at the park. He also began creating an adult education newsletter for the congregation with short articles and a calender of events. The Habakkuk study is getting good reviews and so he is planning other future adult education events. July will have a movie/discussion night for a break and then in August another 4-week study will begin, although he's not sure what it will be yet (he will be asking the 20-some Bible study attendees to choose their top ideas from a list on Tuesday).
Overall, it was a stretching week. It was the first time Ken and I have been separated for a few days (right after our 1st anniversary!) yet a growing opportunity for both of us as we were out of our comfort zone and without distractions. We both came to realize how thankful we are for each other and the team we make in our work.
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