Wednesday I got most of my work done at church so that I could take time off when Ken gets home on Thursday! Also had our music team practice - we lead this Sunday and we're introducing another new song that I wrote, Psalm 145 (since we're reading Psalm 145 in the lectionary).
Thursday Ken came home, although, he came back sick :( It was probably something he ate or drank that had to get through his system. So he took it easy for Thursday and most of Friday. Friday evening I led the youth band practice and then helped him lead youth group (Pastor Max showed up to help too - the other leader was gone on holidays, hence I came to help). It was great to be working with the youth again - I've missed hanging out with them during Bible studies!
Saturday Tony had his birthday party at 10am at the 10-pin bowling alley! It was really fun, although we didn't bowl so well (it's been years since we've set foot in the alley). That morning the weather also did some strange things - like snow/hail in Palmy! That was pretty crazy and lasted all day until the sun came out in the late afternoon!
Our backyard
winter wonderland!
hail stones
Ken bowling
Pizza party after the games!
Sunday our team was on and God was totally in control - we hadn't all practiced together for three weeks (last week Ken wasn't there, the week before two other members weren't...) but everything ran smooth and the congregation loved the new Psalm song! That's the great thing about being worship director - I can write new music and try it out on the congregation to see if it's any good! :)
Monday Ken still wasn't feeling so well, so we just took it easy and enjoyed resting. Please continue to keep him in your prayers as he battles this bug! Ah, but it is good to have him home again!
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