Me, getting a birthday hug from Mom and Dad Steinbart and the Johnson family!
Happy 23rd Birthday to me! This week has been one long birthday celebration in the Chitwood Household! It began Monday with my first card arriving from Uncle Darryl and Aunt Betty. Tuesday Mom and Dad Chitwood's birthday box arrived filled with yummy goodies (m&ms with my face on them! no way!) and fun hair ties that I've been sporting all week. Then on Wednesday, the office brought in a yummy chocolate cake for a tea party in the afternoon and that evening 12 people came to The Steak Out to celebrate with us! At the end of the evening, the lady who runs the front counter gave me a special Chinese birthday blessing of health and wealth for all the rest of my days - it was very sweet of her! The cards and emails/ecards/facebook notes continued to trickle in throughout the week from family and friends back in the states. On Thursday morning at Trinity, (see below as to why we were there) the Cuttle's surprised me with a cupcake and candle and that evening the Hopping's invited us over for dinner, surprising me with a little cup cake and candle too! Sunday other families surprised me with cards and then on Monday (today) the "birthday box" arrived from Mom and Dad Steinbart (with stuff packed in from Aunt Judy and Uncle Steve as well as Steph, Anthony and Tiana) as well as card from Jaime. WOW! I feel sooooooooo loved! Thank you every one who sent me greetings and blessings - it means so much to me and has been a real joy! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! If God is trying to show me His love through His people, I think He made it loud and clear this week!
Personalized M&Ms from Mom Chitwood!
They're fun and yum!
The Steak Out
Good food and fun times with friends
Birthday Sundae
Morning after my birthday enjoying some yummy chocolate cake from the office party
Birthday Box from Mom and Dad Steinbart!
Following the Birthday Box directions
Other news from the home front. The week has been a very nice week - quite relaxing. Tuesday evening Ken led a devotion on Rob Bell's DVD "Everything Spiritual" with about 12 people attending. It was a good turnout for a one-off study during the September break. He will begin the Adult Ed classes again in October with World Religions in New Zealand.
Thursday morning we went out to Trinity to talk with other children's ministry leaders about the upcoming holiday programs. The focus of the program will be Jesus as the way, truth and light. The first day should focus on the blind man on the road being healed, the second day on the lame man who was healed and the last day on the Easter story. It was a good two hours of brainstorming up ideas for songs, crafts, games, etc. Watch for more info once the holidays begin in early October as Ken and I will be involved with Blast again.
Thursday evening we were invited to the Hopping's for dinner to catch up a bit as well as hear their concerns regarding the negative impact that certain family at church has been having on their son. They are worried about his attitude changes and considered taking him out of youth, but they feel that Ken's positive attitude negates that family's negative one, so for now they will allow him to come so long as he doesn't hang out with that family after youth (I guess for a while now that family "takes kids home" after youth, but really goes and hangs out with them for another hour or so at McDonalds or something!)
Friday, Ken and I were beginning to dread youth night. I've realized the bullied feelings we get and the negative comments made to us from this family is a form of verbal and emotional harassment! No wonder we feel the way we feel! But, this Friday evening the family was unable to make it so youth worship and youth evening went smoothly and all the kids seemed to have a great evening together. It was refreshing for Ken and I.
Saturday Ken did a long run out to Feilding (he's in marathon training) which was about 14kms and then we had music practice with Trinity's group. It was a really good practice and then we headed over to the Cuttle's for dinner. It was such a fun night - we feel like family when we're around them. And because they have relatives in America (and have visited lots) we feel we can talk about home unapologetic-ly around them. Again, refreshing - God is good!
Sunday morning in church Ken and I both felt very moved by the sermon on forgiveness...we realized that we do really need to forgive this family for their hurtful comments and glares no matter what the church decides to do. Although the situation is abusive, we are still called on to forgive and love (think of Christ on the cross...). Please pray for us as we know and understand this, but find it hard sometimes to daily practice this.
Sunday night Trinity service went well, although attendance was a bit low. We ended the night at the Brewer's enjoying their new IPA.
Today, Monday, we've enjoyed our day off, not answering the tele when it rings. We took the dog for a long walk, Ken had a 50 minute run and of course, I enjoyed opening the birthday box from Mom and Dad Steinbart! Also had some great conversations with our families back home (called them both) and got grocery shopping done. We're enjoying a chicken bbq pizza for dinner and a nice long bath. Ah, Mondays. We love them!
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