Tuesday I took Marla to the Hawkes Bay to enjoy some of New Zealand's fine wines. It was a super fun "girl day" as we went to a winery, tried some ciders, and tasted fine chocolate! The weather was glorious (with the high at 30c!) and we had a fun time chatting about everything and anything on the drive. Ken missed us and said it rained in Palmy while we were gone. :( But he was busy preparing for his last adult education course on world religions (Hinduism). He is trying to write a short book for the parish on the various world religions studied during this study as well as others we weren't able to cover - but it's turning out to be a much larger job than anticipated! That evening Marla attended the study while I caught up on some office work that needed to be done for Sunday. This Sunday is our big outreach Christmas/Advent kickoff service, so there is a lot that needs to be done for that.
The Girls

Wednesday morning we let Marla sleep in again as we went in to work. For lunch we went to the Bible College farewell lunch that some of the seniors put together. It was really nice to visit with some of the students and colleagues Ken worked with over the past two terms. That afternoon Marla and I got our hair done - hers got longer, mine got shorter! It was a fun switch, especially for the Bond party we had that evening. Since the new Bond film is released here in NZ on the 27th, we threw a party on the 26th to celebrate with martinis, card games, and a viewing on the last film. It was really fun with eight of us in total.
Wednesday morning we let Marla sleep in again as we went in to work. For lunch we went to the Bible College farewell lunch that some of the seniors put together. It was really nice to visit with some of the students and colleagues Ken worked with over the past two terms. That afternoon Marla and I got our hair done - hers got longer, mine got shorter! It was a fun switch, especially for the Bond party we had that evening. Since the new Bond film is released here in NZ on the 27th, we threw a party on the 26th to celebrate with martinis, card games, and a viewing on the last film. It was really fun with eight of us in total.
Marla getting her hair extended
Me before the cut
Now look at us Bond Girls!
Pepper joining in on the fun

Thursday (Happy Thanksgiving!) I was busy preparing for the Erickson's to come over to celebrate Thanksgiving (the president of the LCNZ is also an American, although has lived down under for the past 20-some years). Marla made a yummy banana concoction, and of course we had a turkey and the usual Thanksgiving fare - this year was so much easier to cook since I had a lot of ingredients needed shipped over to me from the states! After dinner was over, we dressed up and went to see the new Bond film!
Thursday (Happy Thanksgiving!) I was busy preparing for the Erickson's to come over to celebrate Thanksgiving (the president of the LCNZ is also an American, although has lived down under for the past 20-some years). Marla made a yummy banana concoction, and of course we had a turkey and the usual Thanksgiving fare - this year was so much easier to cook since I had a lot of ingredients needed shipped over to me from the states! After dinner was over, we dressed up and went to see the new Bond film!
This pumkin became pie
Our second Thanksgiving together!
The American Crew
Us with the Erickson's
We dressed up to see the movie
Friday as Ken went to pick up the Ross's, I took Marla down to Wellington the long way (through the Hutt Valley) - it was fun to stop at the Paua factory, another chocolate shop, and enjoy a little of Wellington before she boarded her plane. It was neat - in Wellington we went to a Cathedral and were able to stitch a few stitches in an art prayer project the church was creating! How cool is that? I prayed for the people in Zimbabwe as I did my stitches as they are having such a hard time politically and socially - did you know their life expectancy is now the lowest in the world??!?
Bye Marla...

I didn't get home until early evening and was able to say "hello" to Dr Ross as she went with Ken to youth night. Friday was a busy day for the two of them with meetings for Ken's final evaluation for his internship. Everything went really smooth and Saturday we took the day to visit with the Ross's and show them around Palmerston North. We went shopping for a few souvenirs and enjoyed a good beer at Speights Ale House (yes, it finally opened in Palmy!)
I didn't get home until early evening and was able to say "hello" to Dr Ross as she went with Ken to youth night. Friday was a busy day for the two of them with meetings for Ken's final evaluation for his internship. Everything went really smooth and Saturday we took the day to visit with the Ross's and show them around Palmerston North. We went shopping for a few souvenirs and enjoyed a good beer at Speights Ale House (yes, it finally opened in Palmy!)
Sunday service went wonderfully! I played the keyboard with the Tuesday team and all the songs went perfect, the service flowed together nicely, and there were 17 visitors! I had made a billion take home bags for visitors and families in the church which were given out after the service during the cuppa. That afternoon we took the Ross's down to the Kapiti coast, stopping at a rose garden on the way. We enjoyed some great ice cream and a long walk on the beach. We ended the evening with some Indian take-aways and then Ken and Dr. Ross had their final evaluation discussion. It was a really long discussion (almost three hours!) but Ken said that it was really great to talk with Dr. Ross about his 18-month international internship. She passed him with no reserve but did encourage him to think strongly about pursuing a career in teaching. It appears most everyone at the congregation that was interviewed by Dr. Ross felt that Ken is at his best when teaching. That, combined with his two term teaching at the Bible College led Dr. Ross to believe that this may be a talent Ken should further pursue. Well, when we get to South Africa, Ken will have 16 months to teach high-schoolers religious education, so it will be fun for him to experience that type of teaching after doing so much with adult education and the Bible College here in New Zealand.
Monday the Ross's left at 11am. We spent the rest of the day recouping from all the visitors we've had over the past two weeks! We got back into basic life again - cleaning house, Ken went on a 14 mile run (ugh) and I worked on the budget. Sounds horribly fun, but it actually was very relaxing, getting back into the "groove." Lois Price also stopped by in the afternoon to give us a beautiful painting she created for us to remind of us New Zealand - it is so gorgeous! The red/black/white design over the front is symbolic of the koru, which means new life. Then there are various pictures of New Zealand that we've seen from both the North and South Islands. It is a really special gift...
Prayer requests - first of all, thanksgiving for all the blessings God has poured out over us the past week with Marla's visit, the Ross's coming out for Ken's evaluation, the Thanksgiving service and Christmas Outreach service successes, for friends who celebrated American thanksgiving and James Bond with us...the list keeps going! Second of all, please continue to keep us in prayer as we prepare our hearts and minds to leave New Zealand and begin South African mission. We are thankful for those who have already verbally agreed to praying for our mission and taking part of it financially. Please continue to keep us, and those at the Themba Trust School in your prayers.
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